I write because I have chosen not to remain silent.  The courage required to share my thoughts has finally triumphed over the fear of sharing.  I strive to write with humility.  We all have beauty within and something to say.

  • “Do not be silent; there is no limit to the power that may be released through you.” Howard Thurman

I believe with all my heart and soul benevolent and considerate voices are required to resist the negative, harmful behaviors of our time.  We need resistance in the form of positive examples.  It seems pointless arguing whether or not the challenges of today are greater than challenges of the past.  Throughout history, examples of honest and dishonest, compassionate and heartless, saintly and evil people exist.  What matters most is within which group we find ourselves.  Personal behavior; of this, we each have complete control.

  • “The world is a dangerous place to live: not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don’t do anything about it.” Albert Einstein

Resistance does not have to come in the form of violence or hate.  Adding more anger, name calling, bullying, cruelty only makes the world a little worse, a more hateful place.  Can the animosity of another ever validate our own?  If someone places a harmful label upon me, reciprocating is not a solution.  We become dissimilar versions of hate directed toward one another.  Attempting justification seems futile, anger and hatred have spread.   Resistance can be as simple as non-participation, disengaging from those who do harm.

  • “Don’t be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.” Romans 12:21 WEB

Contrasting behavior is resistance in itself; doing the opposite.  We can begin by confirming we are not alternate versions of that which we oppose.  Utilizing our personal behavior as opposition.  Resisting arrogance, lies, violence, deception, division, ignorance, racism, misogyny, homophobia, xenophobia, hypocrisy, greed, evil and hate by first making sure those behaviors or beliefs do not exist within. Resistance in the form of kindness, consideration and decency.  Compassion, sincerity and gratitude begin to negate their rival.  Increased love and respect diminish anger and hate. 

  • “He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it. He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it.” Martin Luther King, Jr.

Words can be used to resist.  We can politely make it known, I object, I disagree.  Fear of speaking is often disguised as respect.  Not wanting to make a scene, not wanting to offend.  When confronted with an unsolicited opinion or event, we are gifted with an opportunity to respond.  How our response will be received is not within our control and should not influence our right to speak.  If we choose silence, we relinquish the right to define our beliefs.  Having forfeited this right, we leave interpretation of our principles in the hands of someone else.  Their interpretation may not accurately depict what we believe. “I disagree”, is a complete sentence. 

  • “If people were silent nothing would change.” Malala Yousafzai

I write with the intention of defining specifically the philosophies and principles I would like to harmonize within my life.  Optimistically believing written words today will guide personal action tomorrow.  Encouraging behavior of which I and those dear to me may humbly feel pride.  I am driven to be among those contributing altruism, kindness, compassion, grace and love.