All threats to the Preservation of Personal Integrity

All of which harms others or ourselves

Arrogance, Lies, Violence, Deception, Division, Racism, Chauvinism, Misogyny, Xenophobia, Anger, Greed, Evil and Hate

Driven to Resist 

Everything that threatens the preservation of our personal integrity.  Life provides countless opportunities in which we must make decisions.  The decisions we make result in action.  The actions we take may have lasting long-term effect on our integrity, our honor, our moral code, our reputation or specifically, our soul.

We make decisions based on our values, principles and beliefs.  What information have we used to form our foundational values?  History provides examples of thieves, liars, cheats, and criminals.  History provides examples of honest, respectful, honorable people who chose to live with integrity.  What matters most is within which group we find ourselves.   Driven to Resist is meant to serve as a companion and resource providing a perspective between right and wrong, good and bad, divine and evil.  The intention is to defend against all that threatens the preservation of personal integrity.  Resisting behaviors, which may bring harm to others or ourselves.   The information provided hopes to facilitate avoidance of regret through prevention of regrettable acts.

Driven to Resist 

Strives to evoke our abundant potential while prompting actions of which, one can be proud.  Inspiring conduct and behavior which empower and affirm our best self.  Encouraging character which may serve as a worthy example for others.